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Calvert Middle School is hoping to continue partnerships with local businesses and agencies to support our school’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative. For those who are not aware, PBIS is a statewide initiative to improve behavior, increase student achievement and to increase attendance. We try to accomplish this by creating a clear system for all expected behaviors, rewarding positive behaviors, and creating a continuum of support for students with frequent behavior problems. The program is overseen by the administration, faculty, and staff at CMS. Students are rewarded for “meeting expectations and making the right choices.”

Each ticket a student earns can be applied towards:

  • Weekly Prizes
  • Classroom teacher embedded incentives
  • Many more positive incentives

We hope to provide very attractive prizes to keep the students motivated! Donations of prizes and incentives are happily accepted!

Our PTSA has become a valuable partner in our efforts to energize and sustain our PBIS program. Through their generous financial assistance and volunteer efforts, Calvert middle school has been afforded the opportunity to offer numerous incentives that have proven to be extremely welcomed by the students. We are making a more concerted effort to embed PBIS into the daily operations of class. Building positive relationships with students and making them aware that we appreciate their efforts is a top priority for the administration and staff.

Thank you for your time and support. Feel free to contact the Calvert Middle PBIS Team Chairperson at 443-550-8970.